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Today's Meditation: On Subtraction

Today's Meditation: On Subtraction

:::You received this because you signed up for Inbox Mindfulness, a weekly guided audio meditation for knowledge workers, delivered straight to your inbox. This audio is designed to provide a respite during a busy day and some words for the workdays to come:::

Today’s audio is a reminder on the value of removing.

Work life tends to focus on more: more projects, more tasks, more customers, more effort.

Everything compounds.

Ironically, sometimes one’s mindfulness practice gets better with less effort.

The trick here is to stay with just a little bit of attention for a while, then let it rest for the more focused moments of the day. Don't let the mind dictate to you how you are going to do this or that. Just rest for a few minutes, observing whatever it finds with curiosity.

Mindfully yours,


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